Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Girl Trouble

Matthew is in a two day a week pre-school and yesterday Theresa went to his class for an hour. They were having a little Valentine's Day party.

Apparently, a young lass chased him about the whole time Theresa was there. As she chased him around the room she was saying, "More Matthew. More Matthew".

This is the second time young ladies have expressed interest in the boy. A sunday school mom told us a bit back that her daughter talks about him often.

He's only 2 1/2, so this is cute. Later, it might be a different story...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Week of Firsts

Last week was a week of "firsts". Thursday Caroline laughed for the first time which was very cute. Then, on Sunday afternoon Matthew learned a little something new.

We put him down for a nap, and a few minutes later he came tooling out of his room with his blankets. He has been able to get in to his crib for quite a while, but he fell out one time a while back and had not attempted it since.

Thinking I had left the side down, I checked. Nope. Still up. I put him back in - and 2 minutes later back down the hall he snuck again - startled when he saw me. I put him in a 3rd time and hid at the door with it cracked. When I heard him rustling around I peeked in and he was balanced up in the corner like a little Spiderman.

So, after being caught in the act and instructed not to do it again, he went on to sleep. I suppose it's almost time for a "big boy" bed.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Wednesday night Caroline slept from 11 pm until about 4:45. Last night she slept until 6 am. She is just a few days shy of 2 months. This is good! We shall not get our hopes too high in that this will happen every night, but the closer she gets to sleeping through the night the better!