New Stuff
I hate that I don't post more often. There are always things that I'm sure I will forget as the years go by if I don't write them down. Matthew is 3 1/2 now and Caroline is 1.
At night we put Matthew to bed in pajamas and socks. His new thing is to immediately remove his pants and socks, then go to sleep. So, every night, when we check on him we have to locate his socks - which may or may not be in a neat pile beside him and put those on. Then slide his pants back on. I'm not sure why he does this as he is obviously cold - balled up into a little ball with his blanket draped over his mid-section. It's cute - and I know I would never remember it if I don't write it out now.
Caroline now likes to grab my hair after a bottle and give me head butts. Or grab my hair. Or slap at my face. Then she laughs. But not for long. The girl hates to sleep...