Dave's Stuff
Well...Really only kid's stuff
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Bad Words
I have now learned the all important lesson that every parent learns - that kids quickly pick up on what you say.
I got home from work last night and my wife was opening junk credit card solicitations.
"That looks like more crap." I said.
Two year old scoots by right when we are talking.
"Crap." He says matter of factly and carries on his way.
Lesson learned....hopefully.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Cry Time
Matthew loves being outdoors, but when it's time to come in he has a tendency to start crying and whinning.
We're going to break him of that, so Theresa really gets on him when he starts fussing when he steps into the house. Sometimes he gets a spanking, sometimes he has to go to his room. The other day she told him not to cry or he was going to his room. Then she said, "you have to go to your room if you're going to cry".
So, he walked into his room and shut the door and cried for about 20 seconds then reappeared - fresh attitude and all. That's the stuff you laugh at.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Chew Toy
So anyway...Theresa is feeding Caroline and Matthew walks up to her with Caroline's nasal aspirator in his mouth. Sure - she rinses it off and all, but...icky.
She yelled at him to give it to her, but he thought she was playing so he ran away - then stood down the hall looking at her while chomping away. She was feeding the baby - so just let him have it a while. Too bad we didn't get a picture for later.